Sunday, July 22, 2012

Maddie Nick Names :)

I think it is so cute that Maddie has sooo many nick names and thought I would share :)

Madison Elizabeth Bermingham, Madison Elizabeth, Madison, Maddie, Maddie Lou Whoo, Maddie Lou, Lou, Madison Louise, Maddie Pie, Maddie Boo, Boo, Boomer, Boom, Boom Sticks, Boomerang, Stink on a Bink, Stink, Stinker Bug, Peanut, Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Maddie Lou Freebush, Missy Lou, Angel Pie

If you have a different one or I forgot any add them in a comment :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First Time Swimming!!

Maddie had so much fun on Sunday at the BBQ for Ryan! She went for her very first swim, and I have to admit I thought she would cry. She LOVED the pool and was really happy swimming. After about 15 or 20 minutes of moving around and relaxing she fell asleep (so cute)! Reese (her big cousin) really liked swimming with Maddie. They were able to interact a little more and Reese had fun helping Maddie swim :) We had tons of fun visiting with family and eating yummy food :) Thanks for having us Aunt Mokie!! We will have to come visit and swim more often!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Team Maddie Bowl-a-Thon Tickets!!!!

We are excited to plan Maddie's first fundraiser event!! Our intentions were to sell Team Maddie t-shirts for people to order and wear to the Team Maddie Bowl-a-Thon taking place September 8th @ 12:00 pm for $20 each! :))) I have already posted a flier in a prior post outlining the details about this event. We will be holding the bowling fundraiser at Plaza Lanes in Plymouth.  You can buy your tickets from me, Al, Grandma (Liz), Jess, Susie, Chad, Aunt Moe, Samantha Newton , Beth Wright, or on PayPal. You need to purchase your ticket in advance so that the venue has a head count for food and drinks. Since we started planning for this fundraiser we have lots of people that would like to attend :))) I can not tell you how much it means to me, Al, and Maddie Lou!! We never expected all of the love and support from soooo many friends and family (and others too)!! Thank you all for understanding the importance of Maddie receiving this therapy :)) Here is the PayPal button to purchase your tickets (after you purchase your ticket, look for an e-mail from me giving you your ticket number and details)!! The last day to buy tickets is August 25!

Click to Buy Team Maddie Bowl-a-Thon Tickets
$20 per ticket

Thursday, July 12, 2012

First Feldenkrais Therapy Session!

Yesterday, Maddie had her first Feldenkrais/Anat Baniel Method Therapy session in Royal Oak. The therapist she works with has a lot experience in this field and has specifically trained with Anat Baniel. Miss Kathleen was very welcoming and made us feel comfortable. Her goal for the first few sessions is to ease into therapy for Maddie by getting to know her and allowing her to build trust in their relationship. I like her approach and felt a connection with her right away (I was hoping she was good with Maddie because I was already in love with her:)). Maddie did amazing!!!! Although she was weary at first, by the time the session was ending she was at ease and sound asleep (because she was so relaxed). I know I have so much to learn ... but I can see such a difference in this therapy opposed to physical therapy. Maddie seems to respond better and is much  more accepting of Miss Kathleen working with her! Al and I were planning on bringing Maddie to therapy every other week due to finances (it costs $100 per session). The therapist wants to take Maddie on but would like continuity for her and a commitment from us as well (for once a week). This made me realize I need to sell lots of Team Maddie t-shirts and recruit lots of bowlers for September 8th:)). More to come about the Team Maddie Bowl-a-Thon soon (you can sport your new Team Maddie attire:)). I am so excited and can't wait to share with you about her new therapy each week!!!

Here is a picture of Maddie super sleepy after working hard for her first therapy session :)

A special thank you to Jessica Olli (my sister) for creating all of the awesome fliers, bowl-a-thon tickets, and t-shirt forms. Also, thank you to Beth Wright and Lisa Lizak for all of their help making Maddie Lou Whoo's blog super cute (with frames, clipart, and their tech knowledge) :)))!!!

Don't forget to order your Team Maddie t-shirts to help fund her new (much needed) therapy!!! Thanks for all that have donated, your support is greatly appreciated and we are lucky to have you in our lives :)))))

Team Maddie T-Shirt Flier

Team Maddie Bowl-a-thon Flier


Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Please click the donate button to purchase your Team Maddie t-shirt through our Paypal account :)

Support Maddie's New Therapy!!!

Support Maddie - Buy a Team Shirt :)

                                       Welcome to Maddie's new blog :)!!

We have created a Team Maddie shirt to help support her new therapy (not covered by insurance). The therapy is called Feldenkrais/Anat Baniel Method Therapy and it encourages neuromovement. This form of therapy was popular in the 70's and uses the brain's plasticity to form new neuro pathways to make movement natural. Basically conventional therapy (PT) works only with the muscle but that it not the problem, it's the brain (Thank you Jennifer Hutchison for a well worded explanation). 

The shirts are $15 each (plus shipping if applicable - $3 per shirt and add $1 per additional shirt). You may choose bright blue or dark pink (men and youth sizes available). I have set up a Paypal account, please click the link below. You may also send a check made out to Madison Bermingham (please message me for our address). If you live nearby I will be hand delivering your shirt :). Also, please message me or leave a comment providing your name/size/color ordered. We have over 90 people interested in ordering shirts :o). Thank you for your love and support for Team Maddie!

Please look for future postings regarding a fundraising event in which you can sport your new Team Maddie attire. We will be having a Team Maddie Bowl-a-thon on September 8th :).